Dyson engineers set about finding a better way to look after hair. It wasn’t a lotion or potion – it was a motor.

Steve Courtney Concepts Director

Engineers, Trichologists, Scientists …and a champion hair stylist.

Akin Konizi, four-time winner of British Hairdresser of the year, thought that hair dryers should work better too. Bringing decades of styling experience to our hair laboratory, he challenged Dyson engineers and scientists every step of the way – putting our prototypes through their paces.
“With our digital motor, we changed vacuuming, and then hand drying. Now we’re changing haircare.”
James Dyson signature
James Dyson signature
James Dyson Inventor

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¹ Tested vs. top 20 best-selling hair dryers as at February 2017. ¹ Tested vs. top 20 best-selling hair dryers as at February 2017. ¹ Tested vs. top 20 best-selling hair dryers as at February 2017.